For the fifth time, members of the Microscopic Society and microscopist friends from Germany and Switzerland met at Schloss Weinberg to spend a few days intensively pursuing their hobby. Three excursions were organised to visit places with specially shaped stones and additionally the Tanner Moor. The hours in between were spent microscoping, cutting and colouring. After intensive tinkering, which had already begun the previous year, the freezing microtome was also successfully put into operation.
Frohe Festtage und alles Gute für 2025
Wir wünschen allen Interessierten, Workshopteilnehmer:innen und Freud:innen frohe Festtage und alles Gute für das kommende Jahr. Das Bild zeigt Sporenbehälter (Sporangien) der Mauerraute (Asplenium ruta-muraria)