Exhibition: "A glimpse into nature"

The exhibition at Galerie Schloss Weinberg had been planned for a long time. Cancelling it because of corona was therefore not an option.
I am currently dismantling the exhibition "A glimpse into nature", an exhibition in which 70 pictures were on display. Of these, 49 were hung on the wall in large format, the remaining pictures in three presentation folders. The Galerie Schloss Weinberg is a wonderful place to present these pictures. I have known and appreciated the location for many years. First as a student at the Prague School of Photography and then as a lecturer of different workshops on photography. Unfortunately, the exhibition could not be visited as planned due to Covid, the castle is closed and our hopes of opening at Easter were dashed. Only a handful of people were able to visit the exhibition on site. I'm sure everyone can understand that this situation is unsatisfactory for the artist/photographer and the host gallery, and it inspired me to offer virtual tours directly from the gallery. Around 100 people from Austria and abroad were able to see the pictures. This was a premiere for me and probably for most of the visitors and I will also offer such virtual tours for future exhibitions. The great advantage is the direct contact with the visitors and the opportunity to answer questions about the pictures directly. Despite all the restrictions, I am very happy that the exhibition was not cancelled and my special thanks go to Sepp for printing and mounting the pictures, providing expert support in selecting and hanging the pictures and - last but not least - being a good friend to me. Now the pictures are being packed and prepared for the next exhibition.

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