MGW summer workshop 2020

The Vienna Microscopy Society (MGW) organised its summer workshop at Weinberg Castle for the first time.

The microscopy workshop organised by the Mikroskopische Gesellschaft Wien (MGW) took place from 31.07. - 03.08.2020. Not only members of the MGW, but also guests (e.g. from Germany and Switzerland) came to Schloss Weinberg (Upper Austria). In addition to excursions, various preparation techniques were demonstrated and the participants had the opportunity to present their own working methods or specialisations. There was also plenty of time for intensive discussions.

Thanks for the foto documentation to Thilo Bauer!

At the microtome

Interaction microscope and PC

Interaction microscope and PC

Convenient viewing using the camera monitor

A speciality of the Waldviertel (Lower Austria) are the "Schalensteine", bowls in rocks where rainwater is collected.
The small water bodies host some typical algae species. This year, however, they were unfortunately a disappointment.

What will we find?

But intensive searching doesn't help either.

And what can be found in dry moss cushions?

Optimists take a sample.

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