Nikon Small World Competition

I'm delighted that the jury of the Nikon Small World competition also liked the cross-section of a violet root.

The results of the Nikon Small World Competition 2020 were announced this week. I am delighted that my picture of the root cross-section of the fragrant violet has already made it into the honourable mentions in the first competition. Congratulations to all the other winners too, of course. Der Nikon Small World Wettbewerb findet schon viele Jahre statt und die gezeigten Bilder sind eine große Inspiration für die eigene Arbeit am Mikroskop. _________________

In the course of my "corona exercise therapy", I visited every corner of the surrounding parks - and we have quite a few of them within a 1 km radius of Vienna's 8th district - several times and discovered the location of the fragrant violet (Viola odorata). I was particularly interested in the root. It was cut on the microtome (Jung HN-40) with Leitz disposable blades. Stained with W3A, mounted with Eukitt. Technical data: Olympus BX-60 The lens used is an exotic one, which I was very happy about when I was able to buy it recently, a UAPO 10 oil. Therefore, oil as immersion medium on both sides. 17 stacks combined into one panorama. If you're now asking yourself, what's the point of a 10 oil? There are two answers:

  • The first, all lenses on the Revolver 10, 20, 40, 60 and 100 are now oil lenses.
  • The second, much more important one is that you get an optimal light distribution for photographing in full format (in my large pictures a difference to my two other UAPO variants for the BX). And that, with the same NA. I notice the difference in vignetting elimination 70% without oil, 25% with oil on both sides (condenser and cover glass).

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